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MAY 2024

Pedra: Clear Rooms and Remove Items, Renovation Styles, and New Interface

Illustrative cover about AI and the real estate sector
Felix Ingla
Founder at Pedra
Discover here the latest from Pedra for the past month of May:

Enhanced Room Clearing and Object Removal

We have perfected our algorithm for clearing rooms and removing items, ensuring much more realistic results. This is ideal for showing properties free of unnecessary items, allowing your clients to fully appreciate the aesthetics of the property. Here is an example of how a space can be transformed:
Clear spaces with AI

Renovation Styles: New and Improved

Now you can choose new renovation styles and notice more changes. Thus, you can offer more high-quality renovation proposals to your clients in seconds.
AI Renovation Styles

Now you can choose new renovation styles and notice more changes. Thus, you can offer more high-quality renovation proposals to your clients in seconds.

We have completely transformed our application, leaving behind the complexity of the previous design. Before, images piled up, making it difficult to maintain a clear perspective of the project and slowing down the process. Now, we present a design where each image is meticulously ordered and labeled, making photo editing not only easy but also intuitive.
New Pedra interface

Other improvements

  • We have completely transformed our application, leaving behind the complexity of the previous design. Before, images piled up, making it difficult to maintain a clear perspective of the project and slowing down the process. Now, we present a design where each image is meticulously ordered and labeled, making photo editing not only easy but also intuitive.
  • Adjust the level of creativity in the renovations
  • Add watermark to your images all at once