Listing a property with photos of a gray sky can give a sad and depressing impression. When your clients see your online post, you have only a few seconds to impress and capture their attention. A blue sky, a sunny day, and a spectacular photo will make a difference. Otherwise, a dull and sad photo won't generate as much interest.
But controlling the weather is impossible. In winter or on bad days, it’s hard to take photos with the sun.
But I’m here to tell you that you can control how the sky looks in your posts.
And believe it or not, there’s more than one option.

Is it really important to have a blue and clear sky in my property photos?

Your potential buyers will view your properties online. If you ensure that the photos look nice with a clear sky, you’ll have a better chance of making a good first impression.
So yes, first impressions count. Make sure to show the best side of your properties.
But how do I get blue skies in my photos?
Here are 3 different methods:

Method 1 — Using Photoshop or Lightroom

Photoshop and Lightroom are very popular photo editing programs that allow you to make all kinds of adjustments to your images, including changing a gray sky to a clear blue one. These programs offer advanced tools to select the sky area and replace it with a blue sky image, adjusting brightness, contrast, and saturation to make it look natural and harmonious with the rest of the photo.
However, learning to use these tools can be complex and time-consuming. You’ll need hours of practice to master the necessary techniques. Additionally, each photo is unique, so you’ll have to manually adjust each image to get the best results. This can be tedious if you have many photos to edit.
Despite these challenges, the final result can be impressive and professional, making the effort worthwhile if you want total control over the appearance of your images.

Method 2 — Hiring a professional photo editing team

If you don’t have the time or skill to edit your photos, another option is to hire a professional photo editing team. There are numerous specialized services that can help you transform your images quickly and efficiently. You can send your photos to these services and in a few days, or even hours, you’ll receive your professionally edited images, with a blue and clear sky that will enhance their visual appeal.
One advantage of this method is the quality and professionalism of the final result. Professional photo editors have the experience and tools necessary to make your images look stunning, with precise adjustments to brightness, contrast, and saturation to ensure the blue sky looks natural and harmonious with the rest of the photo.
However, there are disadvantages to consider. The cost can be a significant factor, as you’ll have to pay for each photo you want edited. This can add up quickly if you have many images. Additionally, relying on an external service can reduce your independence and flexibility, as you’ll have to wait for the edited photos to be returned, which could delay your posting process.
Despite these drawbacks, hiring a professional team can be an excellent option if you’re looking for high-quality results without investing time and effort in learning advanced editing skills. It’s a practical solution for those who need a quick and professional result without additional complications.

Method 3 — Using specialized and automated digital applications to change the sky to blue

Another very viable option is to use digital applications specifically designed for the real estate sector, which combine the professionalism of an editing team with the independence and low cost of programs like Photoshop. These applications are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing you to make significant changes to your images with just a few clicks.
One advantage of these applications is that they automate the editing process, meaning you don’t need advanced photo editing skills to get impressive results. Simply select the photo you want to edit and within seconds, the application replaces the gray sky with a blue and clear sky, automatically adjusting brightness, contrast, and saturation to make it look natural and harmonious.
An example of such an application is Pedra, which features a functionality that allows you to put a blue sky in all your photos with just one click. This not only saves time but also provides the flexibility to edit your photos whenever you need, without relying on third parties. Additionally, these applications are often more cost-effective compared to hiring a professional team for each image.
Making the sky blue in property photos – Screenshot of software
In summary, using specialized digital applications offers a quick, efficient, and cost-effective solution to enhance the appearance of your property photos, ensuring they always display a blue and attractive sky that captures the attention of potential buyers.